• Math Jokes!

    Why did the Mathematician have to get back surgery?

    They broke their spline

    I put my root beer in a square glass.

    Now it’s just beer.

    What is a Mathematician’s favorite season?


    How does the Mathematician plow their land?

    With a Pro-tractor

    Are monsters good at math?

    Only if you Count-Dracula!

    My girlfriend is the square root of -100.

    A perfect 10, but imaginary!

    Why was the geometry teacher late to class?

    They took the rhom-bus (wrong bus).

    Why can you never trust a clock?

    It always gives you second hand information

    Why can’t you drink a glass of water with 8 ice cubes in it?

    It’s two-cubed

    Why shouldn’t Math majors through parties?

    Because you should never drink and derive!

    A clerk at a butchers shop is 6’2″, and wears size 10 shoes. What do they weigh?


    What did the triangle say to the circle?

    You’re pointless

    What do you call two friends that really like math?


    Reply with either your favorite math joke or other ones you’ve found!

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    1. syd Avatar

      hi orli

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